Selected Publications
Wang, M, Jamali, S, Brady, JF, "A hydrodynamic model for discontinuous shear-thickening in dense suspensions," Journal of Rheology, 64, 2, 379-394 (2020). LINK
Omar, AK, Wu, Y, Wang, ZG, Brady, JF, "Microscopic origins of the swim pressure and the anomalous surface tension of active matter," Physical Review E, 101, 1, 012604 (2020). LINK
Burkholder, EW, Brady, JF, "Fluctuation-dissipation in active matter," Journal of Chemical Physical, 150, 18, 184901 (2019). LINK
Omar, AK, Wu, Y, Wang, ZG, Brady, JF, "Swimming to Stability: Structural and Dynamical Control via Active Doping," ACS Nano, 13, 1, 560-572 (2019). LINK
Yan, W, Brady, JF, "Anisotropic swim stress in active matter with nematic order," New Journal of Physical, 20, 5, 053056 (2018). LINK
Burkholder, EW, Brady, JF, "Do hydrodynamic interactions affect the swim pressure?," Soft Matter, 14, 18, 053056 (2018). LINK
Sokolov, A, Rubio, LD, Brady, JF, Aranson, IS, "Instability of expanding bacterial droplets," Nature Communications, 9, 1, 1322 (2018). LINK
Yan, W, Brady, JF, "The curved kinetic boundary layer of active matter," Soft Matter, 14, 2, 279-290 (2018). LINK
Yan, W, Brady, JF, "Antiswarming: Structure and dynamics of repulsive chemically active particles," Physical Review E, 96, 6, 060601 (2017). LINK
Wang, M, Brady, JF, "Microstructures and mechanics in the colloidal film drying process," Soft Matter, 13, 44, 8156-8170 (2017). LINK
Burkholder, EW, Brady, JF, "Tracer diffusion in active suspensions," Physical Review E, 95, 5, 052605 (2017). LINK
Marenne, S, Morris, JF, Foss, DR, Brady, JF, "Unsteady shear flows of colloidal hard-sphere suspensions by dynamic simulation," Journal of Rheology, 61, 3, 477-501 (2017). LINK
Takatori, SC, Brady, JF, "Superfluid behavior of active suspensions from diffusive stretching," Physical Review Letters, 118, 1, 018003 (2017). LINK
Yan, W, Brady, JF, "The behavior of active diffusiophoretic suspensions: An accelerated Laplacian dynamics study," Journal of Chemical Physical, 145, 13, 134902 (2016). LINK
Koumakis, N, Brady, JF, Petekidis, G, "Amorphous and ordered states of concentrated hard spheres under oscillatory shear," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 233, 119-132 (2016). LINK
Koumakis, N, Laurati, M, Jacob, AR, Mutch, KJ, Abdellali, A, Schofield, AB, Egelhaaf, SU, Brady, JF, Petekidis, G, "Start-up shear of concentrated colloidal hard spheres: Stresses, dynamics, and structure," Journal of Rheology, 60, 603 (2016). LINK
Wang, M, Brady, JF, "Comment On "Constant Stress And Pressure Rheology Of Colloidal Suspensions" Reply," Physical Review Letters, 116, 17, 179802 (2016). LINK
Takatori, SC, De Dier, R, Vermant, J, Brady, JF, "Acoustic Trapping Of Active Matter," Nature Communications, 7, 10694 (2016). LINK
Takatori, SC, Brady, JF, "Forces, Stresses And The (Thermo?) Dynamics Of Active Matter," Current Opinion In Colloid & Interface Science, 21, 24-33 (2016). LINK
Wang, M, Brady, JF, "Spectral Ewald Acceleration Of Stokesian Dynamics For Polydisperse Suspensions," Journal Of Computational Physics, 306, 443-477 (2016). LINK
Yan, W, Brady, JF, "The force on a boundary in active matter," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 785, 25 (2015). LINK
Wang, M, Brady, JF, "Constant Stress And Pressure Rheology Of Colloidal Suspensions," Physical Review Letters, 115, 15, 158301 (2015). LINK
Heinen, M, Schnyder, SK, Brady, JF, Lowen, H, "Classical Liquids In Fractal Dimension," Physical Review Letters, 115, 9, 97801 (2015). LINK
Takatori, SC, Brady, JF, "Towards A Thermodynamics Of Active Matter," Physical Review E, 91, 3, 32117 (2015). LINK
Wang, M, Brady, JF, "Short-Time Transport Properties Of Bidisperse Suspensions And Porous Media: A Stokesian Dynamics Study," Journal Of Chemical Physics, 142, 9, 94901 (2015). LINK
Wang, M, Heinen, M, Brady, JF, "Short-Time Diffusion In Concentrated Bidisperse Hard-Sphere Suspensions," Journal Of Chemical Physics, 142, 6, 64905 (2015). LINK
Takatori, SC, Brady, JF, "A Theory For The Phase Behavior Of Mixtures Of Active Particles," Soft Matter, 11, 40, 7920-7931 (2015). LINK
Yan, W, Brady, JF, "The Swim Force As A Body Force," Soft Matter, 11, 31, 6235-6244 (2015). LINK
Koumakis, N, Moghimi, E, Besseling, R, Poon, WCK, Brady, JF, Petekidis, G, "Tuning Colloidal Gels By Shear," Soft Matter, 11, 23, 4640-4648 (2015). LINK
Slominski, CG, Kraynik, AM, Brady, JF, "The Einstein Shear Viscosity Correction For Non No-Slip Hyperspheres," Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science, 430, 302-304 (2014). LINK
Takatori, SC, Yan, W, Brady, JF, "Swim Pressure: Stress Generation In Active Matter," Physical Review Letters, 113, 2, 28103 (2014). LINK
Shklyaev, S, Brady, JF, Cordova-Figueroa, UM, "Non-Spherical Osmotic Motor: Chemical Sailing," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 748, 488-520 (2014). LINK
Takatori, SC, Brady, JF, "Swim Stress, Motion, And Deformation Of Active Matter: Effect Of An External Field," Soft Matter, 10, 47, 9433-9445 (2014). LINK
Swan, JW, Zia, RN, Brady, JF, "Large Amplitude Oscillatory Microrheology," Journal Of Rheology, 58, 1, 1-41 (2014). LINK
Michailidou, VN, Swan, JW, Brady, JF, Petekidis, G, "Anisotropic Diffusion Of Concentrated Hard-Sphere Colloids Near A Hard Wall Studied By Evanescent Wave Dynamic Light Scattering," Journal Of Chemical Physics, 139, 16, 164905 (2013). LINK
Koumakis, N, Brady, JF, Petekidis, G, "Complex Oscillatory Yielding Of Model Hard-Sphere Glasses," Physical Review Letters, 110, 17, 178301 (2013). LINK
Zia, RN, Brady, JF, "Stress Development, Relaxation, And Memory In Colloidal Dispersions: Transient Nonlinear Microrheology," Journal Of Rheology, 57, 2, 457-492 (2013). LINK
Cordova-Figueroa, UM, Brady, JF, Shklyaev, S, "Osmotic Propulsion Of Colloidal Particles Via Constant Surface Flux," Soft Matter, 9, 28, 6382-6390 (2013). LINK
Laurati, M, Mutch, KJ, Koumakis, N, Zausch, J, Amann, CP, Schofield, AB, Petekidis, G, Brady, JF, Horbach, J, Fuchs, M, Egelhaaf, SU, "Transient Dynamics In Dense Colloidal Suspensions Under Shear: Shear Rate Dependence," Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter, 24, 46, 464104 (2012). LINK
Zia, RN, Brady, JF, "Microviscosity, Microdiffusivity, And Normal Stresses In Colloidal Dispersions," Journal Of Rheology, 56, 5, 1175-1208 (2012). LINK
Koumakis, N, Laurati, M, Egelhaaf, SU, Brady, JF, Petekidis, G, "Yielding Of Hard-Sphere Glasses During Start-Up Shear," Physical Review Letters, 108, 9, 98303 (2012). LINK
Swan, JW, Brady, JF, "The Hydrodynamics Of Confined Dispersions," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 687, 254-299 (2011). LINK
Swan, JW, Brady, JF, "Anisotropic Diffusion In Confined Colloidal Dispersions: The Evanescent Diffusivity," Journal Of Chemical Physics, 135, 1, 14701 (2011). LINK
Swan, JW, Brady, JF, Moore, RS, "Modeling Hydrodynamic Self-Propulsion With Stokesian Dynamics. Or Teaching Stokesian Dynamics To Swim," Physics Of Fluids, 23, 7, 71901 (2011). LINK
Brady, JF, "Particle Motion Driven By Solute Gradients With Application To Autonomous Motion: Continuum And Colloidal Perspectives," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 667, 216-259 (2011). LINK
Lele, PP, Swan, JW, Brady, JF, Wagner, NJ, Furst, EM, "Colloidal Diffusion And Hydrodynamic Screening Near Boundaries," Soft Matter, 7, 15, 6844-6852 (2011). LINK
Swan, JW, Brady, JF, "Particle Motion Between Parallel Walls: Hydrodynamics And Simulation," Physics Of Fluids, 22, 10, 103301 (2010). LINK
Zia, RN, Brady, JF, "Single-Particle Motion In Colloids: Force-Induced Diffusion," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 658, 188-210 (2010). LINK
Brady, JF, "Particle Motion In Colloids: Microrheology, Microdiffusivity And Non-Equilibrium Depletion Flocculation," Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society, 239 (2010).
Wagner, NJ, Brady, JF, "Shear Thickening In Colloidal Dispersions," Physics Today, 62, 10, 27-32 (2009).
Cordova-Figueroa, UM, Brady, JF, "Comment On "Osmotic Propulsion: The Osmotic Motor" Reply," Physical Review Letters, 103, 7, 79802 (2009). LINK
Cordova-Figueroa, UM, Brady, JF, "Comment On "Osmotic Propulsion: The Osmotic Motor" Reply," Physical Review Letters, 102, 15, 159802 (2009). LINK
Michailidou, VN, Petekidis, G, Swan, JW, Brady, JF, "Dynamics Of Concentrated Hard-Sphere Colloids Near A Wall," Physical Review Letters, 102, 6, 68302 (2009). LINK
Cordova-Figueroa, UM, Brady, JF, "Osmotic Propulsion: The Osmotic Motor," Physical Review Letters, 100, 15, 158303 (2008). LINK
Leshansky, AM, Morris, JF, Brady, JF, "Collective Diffusion In Sheared Colloidal Suspensions," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 597, 305-341 (2008). LINK
Khair, AS, Brady, JF, "Microrheology Of Colloidal Dispersions: Shape Matters," Journal Of Rheology, 52, 1, 165-196 (2008). LINK
Swan, JW, Brady, JF, "Simulation Of Hydrodynamically Interacting Particles Near A No-Slip Boundary," Physics Of Fluids, 19, 11, 113306 (2007). LINK
Swaroop, M, Brady, JF, "The Bulk Viscosity Of Suspensions," Journal Of Rheology, 51, 3, 409-428 (2007). LINK
Khair, A, Brady, JF, "The Three Viscosities," Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society, 233 (2007).
Khair, AS, Brady, JF, "On The Motion Of Two Particles Translating With Equal Velocities Through A Colloidal Dispersion," Proceedings Of The Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences, 463, 2077, 223-240 (2007). LINK
Subramanian, G, Brady, JF, "Trajectory Analysis For Non-Brownian Inertial Suspensions In Simple Shear Flow," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 559, 151-203 (2006). LINK
Khair, AS, Brady, JF, "Single Particle Motion In Colloidal Dispersions: A Simple Model For Active And Nonlinear Microrheology," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 557, 73-117 (2006). LINK
Brady, JF, Khair, AS, Swaroop, M, "On The Bulk Viscosity Of Suspensions," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 554, 109-123 (2006). LINK
Khair, AS, Swaroop, M, Brady, JF, "A New Resistance Function For Two Rigid Spheres In A Uniform Compressible Low-Reynolds-Number Flow," Physics Of Fluids, 18, 4, 43102 (2006). LINK
Pine, DJ, Gollub, JP, Brady, JF, Leshansky, AM, "Chaos And Threshold For Irreversibility In Sheared Suspensions," Nature, 438, 7070, 997-1000 (2005). LINK
Khair, AS, Brady, JF, "Microviscoelasticity Of Colloidal Dispersions," Journal Of Rheology, 49, 6, 1449-1481 (2005). LINK
Carpen, IC, Brady, JF, "Microrheology Of Colloidal Dispersions By Brownian Dynamics Simulations," Journal Of Rheology, 49, 6, 1483-1502 (2005). LINK
Squires, TM, Brady, JF, "A Simple Paradigm For Active And Nonlinear Microrheology," Physics Of Fluids, 17, 7, 73101 (2005). LINK
Leshansky, AM, Brady, JF, "Dynamic Structure Factor Study Of Diffusion In Strongly Sheared Suspensions," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 527, 141-169 (2005). LINK
Sierou, A, Brady, JF, "Shear-Induced Self-Diffusion In Non-Colloidal Suspensions," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 506, 285-314 (2004). LINK
Subramanian, G, Brady, JF, "Multiple Scales Analysis Of The Fokker-Planck Equation For Simple Shear Flow," Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications, 334, 3-4, 343-384 (2004). LINK
Subramanian, G, Brady, JF, "A Chapman-Enskog Formalism For Inertial Suspensions," Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications, 334, 3-4, 385-416 (2004). LINK
Leshansky, AM, Brady, JF, "Force On A Sphere Via The Generalized Reciprocal Theorem," Physics Of Fluids, 16, 3, 843-844 (2004). LINK
Banchio, AJ, Brady, JF, "Accelerated Stokesian Dynamics: Brownian Motion," Journal Of Chemical Physics, 118, 22, 10323-10332 (2003). LINK
Carpen, IC, Brady, JF, "Gravitational Instability In Suspension Flow," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 472, 201-210 (2002). LINK
Sierou, A, Brady, JF, "Rheology And Microstructure In Concentrated Noncolloidal Suspensions," Journal Of Rheology, 46, 5, 1031-1056 (2002). LINK
Bergenholtz, J, Brady, JF, Vicic, M, "The Non-Newtonian Rheology Of Dilute Colloidal Suspensions," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 456, 239-275 (2002). LINK
Brady, JF, Carpen, IC, "Second Normal Stress Jump Instability In Non-Newtonian Fluids," Journal Of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 102, 2, 219-232 (2002). LINK
Fang, ZW, Mammoli, AA, Brady, JF, Ingber, MS, Mondy, LA, Graham, AL, "Flow-Aligned Tensor Models For Suspension Flows," International Journal Of Multiphase Flow, 28, 1, 137-166 (2002). LINK
Sierou, A, Brady, JF, "Accelerated Stokesian Dynamics Simulations," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 448, 115-146 (2001).
Dimitrakopoulos, P, Brady, JF, Wang, ZG, "Short- And Intermediate-Time Behavior Of The Linear Stress Relaxation In Semiflexible Polymers," Physical Review E, 64, 5, 50803 (2001). LINK
Brady, JF, "Computer Simulation Of Viscous Suspensions," Chemical Engineering Science, 56, 9, 2921-2926 (2001). LINK
Ichiki, K, Brady, JF, "Many-Body Effects And Matrix Inversion In Low-Reynolds-Number Hydrodynamics," Physics Of Fluids, 13, 1, 350-353 (2001). LINK
Foss, DR, Brady, JF, "Brownian Dynamics Simulation Of Hard-Sphere Colloidal Dispersions," Journal Of Rheology, 44, 3, 629-651 (2000). LINK
Foss, DR, Brady, JF, "Structure, Diffusion And Rheology Of Brownian Suspensions By Stokesian Dynamics Simulation," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 407, 167-200 (2000). LINK
Foss, DR, Brady, JF, "Self-Diffusion In Sheared Suspensions By Dynamic Simulation," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 401, 243-274 (1999). LINK
Morris, JF, Brady, JF, "Pressure-Driven Flow Of A Suspension: Buoyancy Effects," International Journal Of Multiphase Flow, 24, 1, 105-130 (1998). LINK
Brady, JF, Morris, JF, "Microstructure Of Strongly Sheared Suspensions And Its Impact On Rheology And Diffusion," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 348, 103-139 (1997). LINK
Baxter-Drayton, Y, Brady, JF, "Brownian Electrorheological Fluids As A Model For Flocculated Dispersions," Journal Of Rheology, 40, 6, 1027-1056 (1996). LINK
Brady, JF, "Model Hard-Sphere Dispersions: Statistical Mechanical Theory, Simulations, And Experiments," Current Opinion In Colloid & Interface Science, 1, 4, 472-480 (1996).
Phung, TN, Brady, JF, Bossis, G, "Stokesian Dynamics Simulation Of Brownian Suspensions," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 313, 181-207 (1996). LINK
Morris, JF, Brady, JF, "Self-Diffusion In Sheared Suspensions," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 312, 223-252 (1996). LINK
Yurkovetsky, Y, Brady, JF, "Statistical Mechanics Of Bubbly Liquids," Physics Of Fluids, 8, 4, 881-895 (1996). LINK
Mezic, I, Brady, JF, Wiggins, S, "Maximal Effective Diffusivity For Time-Periodic Incompressible Fluid Flows," Siam Journal On Applied Mathematics, 56, 1, 40-56 (1996).
Brady, JF, "Suspensions: Progress And Prospects," Xiith International Congress On Rheology, Proceedings, 500-503 (1996).
Morris, JF, Brady, JF, "Bulk Reaction-Rate In A Heterogeneous Reaction System," Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 34, 10, 3514-3523 (1995). LINK
Lovalenti, PM, Brady, JF, "The Temporal Behavior Of The Hydrodynamic Force On A Body In Response To An Abrupt Change In Velocity At Small But Finite Reynolds-Number," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 293, 35-46 (1995). LINK
Brady, JF, Vicic, M, "Normal Stresses In Colloidal Dispersions," Journal Of Rheology, 39, 3, 545-566 (1995). LINK
Nott, PR, Brady, JF, "Pressure-Driven Flow Of Suspensions - Simulation And Theory," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 275, 157-199 (1994). LINK
Brady, JF, "The Long-Time Self-Diffusivity In Concentrated Colloidal Dispersions," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 272, 109-133 (1994). LINK
Brady, JF, "The Rheological Behavior Of Concentrated Colloidal Dispersions - Response," Journal Of Chemical Physics, 101, 2, 1758-1758 (1994). LINK
Lovalenti, PM, Brady, JF, "The Hydrodynamic Force On A Rigid Particle Undergoing Arbitrary Time-Dependent Motion At Small Reynolds-Number," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 256, 561-605 (1993). LINK
Lovalenti, PM, Brady, JF, "The Force On A Sphere In A Uniform-Flow With Small-Amplitude Oscillations At Finite Reynolds-Number," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 256, 607-614 (1993). LINK
Jeffrey, DJ, Morris, JF, Brady, JF, "The Pressure Moments For 2 Rigid Spheres In Low-Reynolds-Number Flow," Physics Of Fluids A-Fluid Dynamics, 5, 10, 2317-2325 (1993). LINK
Lovalenti, PM, Brady, JF, "The Force On A Bubble, Drop, Or Particle In Arbitrary Time-Dependent Motion At Small Reynolds-Number," Physics Of Fluids A-Fluid Dynamics, 5, 9, 2104-2116 (1993). LINK
Brady, JF, "The Rheological Behavior Of Concentrated Colloidal Dispersions," Journal Of Chemical Physics, 99, 1, 567-581 (1993). LINK
Claeys, IL, Brady, JF, "Suspensions Of Prolate Spheroids In Stokes-Flow .1. Dynamics Of A Finite Number Of Particles In An Unbounded Fluid," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 251, 411-442 (1993). LINK
Claeys, IL, Brady, JF, "Suspensions Of Prolate Spheroids In Stokes-Flow .2. Statistically Homogeneous Dispersions," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 251, 443-477 (1993). LINK
Brady, JF, "Brownian-Motion, Hydrodynamics, And The Osmotic-Pressure," Journal Of Chemical Physics, 98, 4, 3335-3341 (1993). LINK
Bossis, G, Grasselli, Y, Lemaire, E, Meunier, A, Brady, JF, PHUNG, T, "Rheology And Microstructure In Colloidal Suspensions," Physica Scripta, T49A, 89-93 (1993). LINK
Bonnecaze, RT, Brady, JF, "Dynamic Simulation Of An Electrorheological Fluid," Journal Of Chemical Physics, 96, 3, 2183-2202 (1992). LINK
Bonnecaze, RT, Brady, JF, "Yield Stresses In Electrorheological Fluids," Journal Of Rheology, 36, 1, 73-115 (1992). LINK
Boersma, WH, Claeys, IL, Brady, JF, "Transport-Properties Of Prolate Spheroids," Theoretical And Applied Rheology, Vols 1 And 2, 642-642 (1992).
Bossis, G, Meunier, A, Brady, JF, "Hydrodynamic Stress On Fractal Aggregates Of Spheres," Journal Of Chemical Physics, 94, 7, 5064-5070 (1991). LINK
Bonnecaze, RT, Brady, JF, "The Effective Conductivity Of Random Suspensions Of Spherical-Particles," Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of London Series A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences, 432, 1886, 445-465 (1991). LINK
Bonnecaze, RT, Brady, JF, "Rate Of Diffusion-Limited Reactions In Dispersions Of Spherical Traps Via Multipole Scattering," Journal Of Chemical Physics, 94, 1, 537-540 (1991). LINK
Phillips, RJ, Deen, WM, Brady, JF, "Hindered Transport In Fibrous Membranes And Gels - Effect Of Solute Size And Fiber Configuration," Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science, 139, 2, 363-373 (1990). LINK
Bonnecaze, RT, Brady, JF, "A Method For Determining The Effective Conductivity Of Dispersions Of Particles," Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of London Series A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences, 430, 1879, 285-313 (1990). LINK
Phillips, RJ, Deen, WM, Brady, JF, "Hindered Transport Of Spherical Macromolecules In Fibrous Membranes And Gels," Aiche Journal, 35, 11, 1761-1769 (1989). LINK
Bossis, G, Brady, JF, "The Rheology Of Brownian Suspensions," Journal Of Chemical Physics, 91, 3, 1866-1874 (1989). LINK
Durlofsky, LJ, Brady, JF, "Dynamic Simulation Of Bounded Suspensions Of Hydrodynamically Interacting Particles," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 200, 39-67 (1989). LINK
Koch, DL, COX, RG, Brenner, H, Brady, JF, "The Effect Of Order On Dispersion In Porous-Media," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 200, 173-188 (1989). LINK
Claeys, TL, Brady, JF, "Lubrication Singularities Of The Grand Resistance Tensor For 2 Arbitrary Particles," Physicochemical Hydrodynamics, 11, 3, 261-293 (1989).
Koch, DL, Brady, JF, "Anomalous Diffusion Due To Long-Range Velocity Fluctuations In The Absence Of A Mean Flow," Physics Of Fluids A-Fluid Dynamics, 1, 1, 47-51 (1989). LINK
Phillips, RJ, Brady, JF, Bossis, G, "Hydrodynamic Transport-Properties Of Hard-Sphere Dispersions .1. Suspensions Of Freely Mobile Particles," Physics Of Fluids, 31, 12, 3462-3472 (1988). LINK
Phillips, RJ, Brady, JF, Bossis, G, "Hydrodynamic Transport-Properties Of Hard-Sphere Dispersions .2. Porous-Media," Physics Of Fluids, 31, 12, 3473-3479 (1988). LINK
Bossis, G, Brady, JF, Mathis, C, "Shear-Induced Structure In Colloidal Suspensions .1. Numerical-Simulation," Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science, 126, 1, 1-15 (1988). LINK
Mathis, C, Bossis, G, Brady, JF, "Shear-Induced Structure In A Colloidal Suspension .2. Light-Scattering," Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science, 126, 1, 16-25 (1988). LINK
Brady, JF, Phillips, RJ, Lester, JC, Bossis, G, "Dynamic Simulation Of Hydrodynamically Interacting Suspensions," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 195, 257-280 (1988). LINK
Bossis, G, Brady, JF, "Rheology And Diffusion In Concentrated Suspensions By Stokesian Dynamics," Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society, 195, 186-COLL (1988).
Koch, DL, Brady, JF, "Anomalous Diffusion In Heterogeneous Porous-Media," Physics Of Fluids, 31, 5, 965-973 (1988). LINK
Brady, JF, Durlofsky, LJ, "The Sedimentation-Rate Of Disordered Suspensions," Physics Of Fluids, 31, 4, 717-727 (1988). LINK
Brady, JF, Bossis, G, "Stokesian Dynamics," Annual Review Of Fluid Mechanics, 20, 111-157 (1988).
Bossis, G, Brady, JF, "Self-Diffusion Of Brownian Particles In Concentrated Suspensions Under Shear," Journal Of Chemical Physics, 87, 9, 5437-5448 (1987). LINK
Durlofsky, L, Brady, JF, "Analysis Of The Brinkman Equation As A Model For Flow In Porous-Media," Physics Of Fluids, 30, 11, 3329-3341 (1987). LINK
Durlofsky, L, Brady, JF, Bossis, G, "Dynamic Simulation Of Hydrodynamically Interacting Particles," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 180, 21-49 (1987). LINK
Koch, DL, Brady, JF, "A Nonlocal Description Of Advection Diffusion With Application To Dispersion In Porous-Media," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 180, 387-403 (1987). LINK
Koch, DL, Brady, JF, "The Symmetry Properties Of The Effective Diffusivity Tensor In Anisotropic Porous-Media," Physics Of Fluids, 30, 3, 642-650 (1987). LINK
Brady, JF, Durlofsky, L, "On Rotating-Disk Flow," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 175, 363-394 (1987). LINK
Koch, DL, Brady, JF, "Nonlocal Dispersion In Porous-Media - Nonmechanical Effects," Chemical Engineering Science, 42, 6, 1377-1392 (1987). LINK
Koch, DL, Brady, JF, "The Effective Diffusivity Of Fibrous Media," Aiche Journal, 32, 4, 575-591 (1986). LINK
Camoin, C, Bossis, G, Guyon, E, Blanc, R, Brady, JF, "Bidimensionnal Model Suspensions," Journal De Mecanique Theorique Et Appliquee, 141-164 (1985).
Brady, JF, Bossis, G, "The Rheology Of Concentrated Suspensions Of Spheres In Simple Shear-Flow By Numerical-Simulation," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 155, JUN, 105-129 (1985). LINK
Koch, DL, Brady, JF, "Dispersion In Fixed-Beds," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 154, MAY, 399-427 (1985). LINK
Brady, JF, "The Einstein Viscosity Correction In N-Dimensions," International Journal Of Multiphase Flow, 10, 1, 113-114 (1984).
Bossis, G, Brady, JF, "Dynamic Simulation Of Sheared Suspensions .1. General-Method," Journal Of Chemical Physics, 80, 10, 5141-5154 (1984). LINK
Brady, JF, "Flow Development In A Porous Channel And Tube," Physics Of Fluids, 27, 5, 1061-1067 (1984). LINK
Durlofsky, L, Brady, JF, "The Spatial Stability Of A Class Of Similarity Solutions," Physics Of Fluids, 27, 5, 1068-1076 (1984). LINK
Bossis, G, Quentrec, B, Brady, JF, "Dynamic Simulation Of A Sheared Suspension," Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society, 186, AUG, 43-COLL (1983).
Brady, JF, Acrivos, A, "Closed-Cavity Laminar Flows At Moderate Reynolds-Numbers," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 115, FEB, 427-442 (1982). LINK
Brady, JF, Acrivos, A, "The Deformation And Breakup Of A Slender Drop In An Extensional Flow - Inertial Effects," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 115, FEB, 443-451 (1982). LINK
Brady, JF, Acrivos, A, "Steady Flow In A Channel Or Tube With An Accelerating Surface Velocity - An Exact Solution To The Navier-Stokes Equations With Reverse Flow," Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 112, NOV, 127-150 (1981). LINK
Brady, JF, Turner, JCR, "Coupled Fluxes In Electrochemistry - Concentration Distributions Near Electrodialysis Membranes," Journal Of The Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions I, 74, 2839-2849 (1978). LINK