Yao, Y, & Giapis, K. P. (2016). Tuning Charge Transfer in Ion-Surface Collisions at Hyperthermal Energies. ChemPhysChem. DOI 10.1002/cphc.201600045
Alexeev, D., Chen, J., Walther, J. H., Giapis, K. P., Angelikopoulos, P., & Koumoutsakos, P. (2015). Kapitza Resistance between Few-Layer Graphene and Water: Liquid Layering Effects. Nano letters, 15(9), 5744-5749
Varga, Á., Pfohl, M., Brunelli, N. A., Schreier, M., Giapis, K. P., & Haile, S. M. (2013). Carbon nanotubes as electronic interconnects in solid acid fuel cell electrodes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(37), 15470-15476.
Brunelli, N. A., Neidholdt, E. L., Giapis, K. P., Flagan, R. C., & Beauchamp, J. L. (2013). Continuous flow ion mobility separation with mass spectrometric detection using a nano-radial differential mobility analyzer at low flow rates. Analytical chemistry, 85(9), 4335-4341.
Haile, S. M., Giapis, K. P., Varga, A., Brunelli, N., & Louie, M. (2013). U.S. Patent No. 8,425,986. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Zhang, X., Hu, M., Giapis, K. P., & Poulikakos, D. (2012). Schemes for and Mechanisms of Reduction in Thermal Conductivity in Nanostructured Thermoelectrics. Journal of Heat Transfer, 134(10), 102402.
Hu, M., Zhang, X., Giapis, K. P., & Poulikakos, D. (2011). Thermal conductivity reduction in core-shell nanowires. Physical Review B, 84(8), 085442.
Lee, B. J., Rahaman, H., Nam, S. H., Giapis, K. P., Iberler, M., Jacoby, J., & Frank, K. (2011). Xenon excimer emission from multicapillary discharges in direct current mode. Physics of Plasmas (1994-present), 18(8), 083506.
Hu, M., Giapis, K. P., & Poulikakos, D. (2011). Interfacial mixing during annealing of zinc oxide nanoparticle junctions. Applied Physics Letters, 98(21), 211904.
Jiang, Jingkun, Michel Attoui, Michael Heim, Nicholas A. Brunelli, Peter H. McMurry, Gerhard Kasper, Richard C. Flagan, Konstantinos Giapis, and Guillaume Mouret. (2011). Transfer functions and penetrations of five differential mobility analyzers for sub-2 nm particle classification. Aerosol Science and Technology, 45(4), 480-492.
Hu, M., Giapis, K. P., Goicochea, J. V., Zhang, X., & Poulikakos, D. (2010). Significant Reduction of Thermal Conductivity in Si/Ge Core− Shell Nanowires. Nano letters, 11(2), 618-623.
Hu, M., Giapis, K. P., Goicochea, J. V., & Poulikakos, D. (2010). Surface segregation of bimetallic alloys in nanoscale confinement. Applied Physics Letters, 97(15), 153107.
Varga, Á., Brunelli, N. A., Louie, M. W., Giapis, K. P., & Haile, S. M. (2010). Composite nanostructured solid-acid fuel-cell electrodes via electrospray deposition. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20(30), 6309-6315.
Brunelli, N. A., Flagan, R. C., & Giapis, K. P. (2009). Radial differential mobility analyzer for one nanometer particle classification. Aerosol Science and Technology, 43(1), 53-59.
Kutana, A., & Giapis, K. P. (2009). First-principles study of chemisorption of oxygen and aziridine on graphitic nanostructures. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113(33), 14721-14726.
Narui, Y., Ceres, D. M., Chen, J., Giapis, K. P., & Collier, C. P. (2009). High aspect ratio silicon dioxide-coated single-walled carbon nanotube scanning probe nanoelectrodes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113(16), 6815-6820.
Gordon, M. J., Qin, X., Kutana, A., & Giapis, K. P. (2009). Gas− Surface Chemical Reactions at High Collision Energies?. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(5), 1927-1930.
Brunelli, N. A., Flagan, R. C., & Giapis, K. P. (2009). Radial differential mobility analyzer for one nanometer particle classification. Aerosol Science and Technology, 43(1), 53-59.
Tayebi, N., Narui, Y., Chen, R. J., Collier, C. P., Giapis, K. P., & Zhang, Y. (2008). Nanopencil as a wear-tolerant probe for ultrahigh density data storage. Applied Physics Letters, 93(10), 103112.
Kutana, A., & Giapis, K. P. (2008). Analytical carbon-oxygen reactive potential. The Journal of chemical physics, 128(23), 234706.
Kutana, A., & Giapis, K. P. (2007). Contact angles, ordering, and solidification of liquid mercury in carbon nanotube cavities. Physical Review B, 76(19), 195444.
Lee, B. J., Rahaman, H., Petzenhauser, I., Frank, K., & Giapis, K. P. (2007). Xenon excimer emission from pulsed high-pressure capillary microdischarges. Applied physics letters, 90(24), Art-No.
2006 and Earlier
Mace, J., Gordon, M. J., & Giapis, K. P. (2006). Evidence of simultaneous double-electron promotion in F+ collisions with surfaces. Physical review letters, 97(25), 257603.
Kutana, A., & Giapis, K. P. (2006). Transient deformation regime in bending of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Physical review letters, 97(24), 245501.
Qin, X., Gordon, M., & Giapis, K. P. (2006, September). COLL 290-Scattering dynamics of CFx+ (x= 1-3) ions on Ag and Si surfaces. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 232). 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA: AMER CHEMICAL SOC.
Kutana, A., Giapis, K. P., Chen, J. Y., & Collier, C. P. (2006). Amplitude response of single-wall carbon nanotube probes during tapping mode atomic force microscopy: Modeling and experiment. Nano letters, 6(8), 1669-1673.
Kutana, A., & Giapis, K. P. (2006). Atomistic simulations of electrowetting in carbon nanotubes. Nano letters, 6(4), 656-661.
Kutana, A., Gordon, M. J., & Giapis, K. P. (2006). Neutralization of hyperthermal Ne+ on metal surfaces. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 248(1), 16-20.
Gordon, M. J., & Giapis, K. P. (2005). Low-energy ion beamline scattering apparatus for surface science investigations. Review of scientific instruments, 76(8), 083302.
Sankaran, R. M., Holunga, D., Flagan, R. C., & Giapis, K. P. (2005). Synthesis of blue luminescent Si nanoparticles using atmospheric-pressure microdischarges. Nano letters, 5(3), 537-541.
Chen, J. Y., Kutana, A., Collier, C. P., & Giapis, K. P. (2005). Electrowetting in carbon nanotubes. Science, 310(5753), 1480-1483.
Esplandiu, M. J., Bittner, V. G., Giapis, K. P., & Collier, C. P. (2004). Nanoelectrode scanning probes from fluorocarbon-coated single-walled carbon nanotubes. Nano Letters, 4(10), 1873-1879.
Sankaran, R. M., & Giapis, K. P. (2003). High-pressure micro-discharges in etching and deposition applications. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 36(23), 2914.
Sankaran, R. M., Giapis, K. P., Moselhy, M., & Schoenbach, K. H. (2003). Argon excimer emission from high-pressure microdischarges in metal capillaries. Applied physics letters, 83(23), 4728-4730.
Sankaran, R. M., & Giapis, K. P. (2002). Hollow cathode sustained plasma microjets: Characterization and application to diamond deposition. Journal of Applied Physics, 92(5), 2406-2411.
Sankaran, R. M., & Giapis, K. P. (2001). Maskless etching of silicon using patterned microdischarges. Applied Physics Letters, 79(5), 593-595.
Hwang, G. S., & Giapis, K. P. (1997). Aspect ratio independent etching of dielectrics. Applied physics letters, 71(4), 458-460.
Hwang, G. S., & Giapis, K. P. (1997). The influence of electron temperature on pattern-dependent charging during etching in high-density plasmas. Journal of applied physics, 81(8), 3433-3439.
Minton, T. K., Giapis, K. P., & Moore, T. (1997). Inelastic scattering dynamics of hyperthermal fluorine atoms on a fluorinated silicon surface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 101(36), 6549-6555.
Hwang, G. S., & Giapis, K. P. (1997). Aspect-ratio-dependent charging in high-density plasmas. Journal of applied physics, 82(2), 566-571.
Anderson, C. M., & Giapis, K. P. (1997). Symmetry reduction in group 4mm photonic crystals. Physical Review B, 56(12), 7313.
Hwang, G. S., & Giapis, K. P. (1997). On the origin of the notching effect during etching in uniform high density plasmas. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 15(1), 70-87.
Hwang, G. S., & Giapis, K. P. (1997). Prediction of multiple-feature effects in plasma etching. Applied physics letters, 70(18), 2377-2379.
Anderson, C. M., & Giapis, K. P. (1996). Larger two-dimensional photonic band gaps. Physical review letters, 77(14), 2949.
Hwang, G. S., Anderson, C. M., Gordon, M. J., Moore, T. A., Minton, T. K., & Giapis, K. P. (1996). Gas-surface dynamics and profile evolution during etching of silicon. Physical review letters, 77(14), 3049.
Giapis, K. P., Moore, T. A., & Minton, T. K. (1995). Hyperthermal neutral beam etching. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 13(3), 959-965.
Nakano, T., Giapis, K. P., Gottscho, R. A., Lee, T. C., & Sadeghi, N. (1993). Ion velocity distributions in helicon wave plasmas: magnetic field and pressure effects. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 11(6), 2046-2056.
Giapis, K. P., Sadeghi, N., Margot, J., Gottscho, R. A., & Lee, T. J. (1993). Limits to ion energy control in high density glow discharges: measurement of absolute metastable ion concentrations. Journal of applied physics, 73(11), 7188-7194.
Aydil, E. S., Giapis, K. P., Gottscho, R. A., Donnelly, V. M., & Yoon, E. (1993). Ammonia plasma passivation of GaAs in downstream microwave and radio‐frequency parallel plate plasma reactors. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 11(2), 195-205.
Aydil, E. S., Zhou, Z., Giapis, K. P., Chabal, Y., Gregus, J. A., & Gottscho, R. A. (1993). Real‐time, insitu monitoring of surface reactions during plasma passivation of GaAs. Applied physics letters, 62(24), 3156-3158.
Giapis, K. P., Gottscho, R. A., Clark, L. A., Kruskal, J. B., Lambert, D., Kornblit, A., & Sinatore, D. (1991). Use of light scattering in characterizing reactively ion etched profiles. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 9(3), 664-668.
Gottscho, R. A., Preppernau, B. L., Pearton, S. J., Emerson, A. B., & Giapis, K. P. (1990). Real‐time monitoring of low‐temperature hydrogen plasma passivation of GaAs. Journal of applied physics, 68(2), 440-445. |